
Maggie’s: Why red

Running time: 01:01

Maggie’s: Outside wall

Running time: 00:36

Channel 4: Touch down room

Running time: 00:25

KS3 Curriculum Links

Art and Design: Critical understanding 1.4b

Engage with ideas, images and artefacts, and identifying how values and meanings are conveyed.

Design and Technology: Designing and making 1.2c

Understand that products and systems have an impact on quality of life.

Design and Technology: Creativity 1.3c

Explore and experiment with ideas, materials, technologies and techniques.

Geography: Cultural understanding and diversity 1.7a

Appreciate the differences and similarities between people, places, environments and cultures to inform their understanding of societies and economies.

KS4 Curriculum Links

Mathematics: Representing 2.1b

Compare and evaluate representations of a situation before making a choice.

Key words

Decoration: elements added to the building to give it a particular ‘look’ or feel.


Preparation: Choose two different spaces in the building, which have contrasting ‘feels’ such as the interior and exterior or a public space and a private space.

Materials: Clipboards, coloured pencils, pens, paper.


  1. Take the group outside the building to look at its exterior.
  2. Ask students to draw a sketch elevation, using a simple shape outline.
  3. Students should annotate the drawing labeling the different materials they can spot, and any signs, artwork or shapes.
  4. For each one, they should take a rubbing with chalk, charcoal or coloured pencils and label it with the material name and location in the building.
  5. Take the group back inside the building.
  6. Ask students to draw a sketch elevation of the inside space, using a simple shape outline.
  7. Students should annotate the drawing labeling the different materials they can spot.
  8. In small groups students can compare their two drawings and discuss why different materials might have been used for the


  1. different spaces.
  2. Ask students to come up with three words to describe the overall palette of materials for the building.
  3. Suggest they consider the impact of the choice of materials on the:
    • Building’s function: are the materials practical for the activities that take place in the space?
    • Building’s public image: if the materials are to a building what clothes are to a person, what do they say about the building?
    • Surrounding area’s cultural landscape: where else have they seen similar materials being used? Are they typical or unusual for a building in that area?